Wednesday 19 July 2017

Monday 17 July 2017

Husband and Wife Abusers

Many of us have heard of the abusive husband, sometimes known to be the street angel but house devil. However how many of us hear of the abusive wife or partner? It is lately coming to light that in fact that there are a considerable number of wives/partners who abuse their other half.

Either of these situations is unconscionable. If anyone is aware of a friend or neighbour who suffers as a result of abusive behaviour the aggrieved party should be given every possible succour and help. Denial on the part of the perpetrator, victim or indeed friend or neighbour only leads to the continuation of the behaviour. Abusive behaviour is not confined to any country, race, class or creed. In fact, the problem is becoming more endemic in our society today.

The justice/legal system can be slow in adapting to the situation and this sometimes leads to a blinkered attitude to Family Abuse. This can lead in turn to an unequal treatment, of the parties involved. In many Family Law Court cases there would seem to be a presumption of guilt on the part of the male party to a dispute. The In Camera Rule places an undue burden on the parties by placing a limitation on their discussing their case, with only a selected few, outside the Cout. Of course, we must not forget the children who are but pawns in a "game". They probably suffer the worst form of abuse, being victims in a dispute not of their making, It is incumbent on the part of their parents to protect them at all costs. We should remember that the Irish Republic has shown historically that it cannot be relied upon to protect the interests of children in its care. Parents should take this on board and not allow a state of affairs to occur where their children are taken from them because of their inability to resolve their own problems.

I found an article in the online Marriage Missions website some of which I reproduce below while directing you to the website article.

Yes, Husband Abuse DOES Happen

Dollar Photo - Psychotic WomanWe, at Marriage Missions, can testify that many, many husbands are the victims of abuse, more than people realise. Part of this is because it’s difficult for men to report their abuse and find help —especially in the Christian community. We’ve received a number of emails from husbands who are dealing with their wives abusive behaviour. They write that they want to be honourable men and won’t abuse back, but they don’t know what to do to stop their wives from hurting them in these ways.
We’ve tried to find articles —especially Christian articles written on this subject to help. But there seems to be very, very little help available for abused husbands. Continue to full article

Thursday 13 July 2017

Spouse Talks About
Domestic Violence In Marriage
She Admits Being Perpetrator

I was frustrated that my husband wasn't communicating fully with me. I was using violence to get a reaction. I was verbally aggressive, too. I'd make demeaning comments, sarcastic and personal attacks - all the things that erode love.
I'm a petite woman, a little over eight stone (51kg), and my husband is a big man. Yet he said he didn't feel emasculated, and that I never physically hurt him. While I exploded, he remained calm. 
Eventually, I accepted something had to change. I'd heard about domestic violence groups, but only for men. I felt my behaviour carried an added stigma - women weren't expected to be violent, especially high-powered working women who volunteered for charities. Read more 
  • I wish to acknowledge Mailonline for the article, part of which is reproduced above

Saturday 1 July 2017

Henry David Thoreau:
Unjust laws exist

Unjust laws exist;
shall we be content to obey them,
or shall we endeavour to amend them,
and obey them until we have succeeded, 
of shall we transgress them at once?
Henry David Thoreau

<Center><B><U>HAPPY CHRISTMAS 2022</U></B></Center>