Monday 8 January 2018

The Travelling Trollope
Crash Landed
on Lahinch Beach

My family is in possession of an Oxygen tank taken from the American Bomber aka "The Travelling Trollope" which landed on the beach in Lahinch Co Clare Ireland during the 2nd World War  (10th July 1943). Subsequently in 1993 a plaque was erected in Lahinch to mark the 50th Anniversary of the crash landing.  See link1 below.
According to family lore stories abounded of the locals and holiday makers dismembering the plane and taking off with souvenirs of the various parts. In other words any "moveable part" was taken from the plane. Some stories are shrouded in mystery and like so many Irish stories the practice of "gilding the lily" is often taken to the extreme.
However you might be surprised, as I was, when I came across the results of a search for details on the Lahinch crash landing. Actually quite a few Bombers landed in Co Clare
See link2 for details of WW2 Bombers which landed, successfully or otherwise:

  1. The day the plane came down in Lahinch
  2. Wartime Aircraft Crashes in County Clare 1939 - 1945
If you care to search, the Internet abounds in resources about WW2 Bombers of different parties to the war landing in Ireland both successfully and unsuccessfully. I failed to come across Biggles!

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