Thursday, 7 June 2007

The Modern Irish Patriot - How Are You?

I have never had any problem in paying my due taxes. I consider this part of my duty as a loyal citizen of my country, The Republic of Ireland.

The trouble, though, comes when only one section of the community is expected to "play it's part". In the meantime another section which knows not the end of it's wealth contributes not one whit in taxes to the economy. It appears one can avoid paying tax if one qualifies as a non-resident for tax purposes. Of course this is, practically, only available to a minority (usually the wealthy class).

How can the members of this elite group be called anything other than UNPATRIOTIC. How dare these people behave as if they have a God Given right to undue wield their influence in a country to which they claim to bear allegiance. If they wish to have the respect of their countrymen let them equally bear the burden of taxes in relation to their wealth. Of course the government is complicit in this too by the laws it creates.

In case one should suspect me of Communistic etc tendencies let them be assured that all I ask is fairness and justice. I am pretty sure that the anger I have towards these parasites - how can they be described otherwise?- is shared by many others.

Now there!!! I feel better for having aired my greivances.

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